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Publication - 국내문헌

Publication - 국내문헌


남한의 중생대 금․은광화작용: 지구동력학적 관점에서 재검토된 금․은광상구, 자원환경지질, 제 39권, 제 5호, p. 567-581, 2006

Seongyu Choi, Sangjoon Park, Sungwon Kim, Changseong Kim, Changwhan Oh, Mesozoic Gold-silver Mineralization in South Korea: Metallogenic Provinces Reestimated th the geodynamic Setting. Econ. Environ. Geol., v. 39, no. 5, p. 567-581, 2006

경기육괴의 고원생대 암류들에 대한 SHRIMP U-Pb 저어콘 연대와 그 의의, 지질학회지, 제 42권, 제 4호, p. 587-606, 2006

Changwhan Oh, Cheongbin Kim, Youngseok Park and Sungwon Kim, SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Ages of Paleoproterozoic Rocks from the Gyeonggi Massif and their implications. Journal of the Geological Society of Korea, v. 42, no. 4, p. 587-606

주암댐 호저 퇴적물에서의 수직적 중금속 분산과 210Pb를 이용한 퇴적속도산정, 한국지하수토양환경학회지, 제 10권, 제 1호, p. 43-57, 2005

Pyeongkoo Lee, Seungjun Youm, Youngshik Shin, Sejung Chi, Jiwook Kim, Changwhan Oh, Sunok Kim, Vertical Distribution of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Sediment Cores and Sedimentation Rate Using 210Pb Dating Technique in the Juam Reservoir


옥천변성대 북동부 계명산층 변성화성암에 대한 시생대 연령의 해석의 문제점 및 재해석, 암석학회지, 제 13권, 제 4호, p. 244-246, 2004

Jonggil Park Sungwon Kim and Changwhan Oh, The Problem of Archean Age from a Metaigneous Rocks in the Gyemyeongsan Formation, Northwestern Okchean Metamorphic Belt and Its Reinterpretation. Journal of Petrology Society of Korea, v. 13, no. 4, p. 244-246, 2004

청송 주왕산 북부 일대의 구과상 유문암에 대한 연구, 암석학회지, 제 13권, 제 4호, p. 103-118, 2004

Changwhan Oh, Sungwon Kim, Sangkoo Hwang, Chanwhan Son, Changsuk Kim and Hyungshik Kim, The Study on the Spherulitic Rhyolites in the northern part of Juwang Mt., Cheongsong. Journal of Petrology Society of Korea, v. 13, no. 4, p. 103-118, 2004

충남 홍성 및 광천 지역 초염기성암의 암석 및 지구화학, 자원환경지질, 제 37권, 제 5호, p. 477-497, 2004

Suckhwan Song, Seongyu Choi, Chanhwan Oh, Euns대 and Seongho Choi, Petrography and Geochemistry of the Ultramafic Rocks from the Hongseong and Kwangcheon areas, Chungecheongnam-Do. Econ. Environ. Geol., v. 37, no. 5, p. 477-497, 2004



 Petrology Lab 204, Department of Earth Environmental Science 4th Natural Science College, Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu Jeonju-si, JeollaBuk-do 54896

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