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Publication - 국내문헌

Publication - 국내문헌


옥천변성대 북서부 계명산층 내 변성화성암류의 지구화학 및 지구연대학적 연구와 그 지구조적 의의, 암석학회지, 제 12권, 제 4호, p. 155-169, 2003

Jeongil Park, Sungwon Kim, Changwhan Oh and Hyungshik Kim, Geochemical and Geochronological Studies on Metaigneous Rocks in the Gyemyeongsan Formation, Northwestern Okcheon Metamorphic Belt and their Tectonic Implication. Journal of Petrology Society of Korea, v. 12, no. 4, p. 155-169, 2003

옥천 변성대 변성퇴적암의 K-Ar 및 40Ar/39Ar 연대와 그 의의, 암석학회지, 제 12권, 제 2호, p. 79-99, 2003

Sungwon Kim, Changwhan Oh, Deoksu Lee and Jeonghu Lee, K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar Ages from Metasediments in the Okcheon Metamorphic Belt and their Tectonic Implication,  Journal of Petrology Society of Korea, v. 12, no. 2, p. 79-99, 2003

서남 옥천변성대 옥천층군의 층서 및 암석화학에 대한 예비연구, 자원환경지질, 제 36권, 제 6호, p. 511-525, 2003

Inchang Ryu, sungwon Kim, Changwhan Oh and Deoksu Lee, A preliminary Study on Stratigraphy and Petrochemistry of the Okcheon Group, Southwestern Okcheon Metamorphic Belt. Econ. Environ. Geol., v. 36, no. 6, p. 511-525, 2003

용출액의 pH변화가 토양내 중금속 용출에 미치는 영향과 그에 따른 국내 토양 오염 공정시험방법의 문제점, 자원환경지질, 제 36권, 제 3호, p. 159-170, 2003

Changwhan Oh, Younhee yu, Pyeongkoo Lee and Youngup Lee, The Effects of pH change in Extraction Solution on the Heavy Metals Extraction from Soil and Controversial Points for Partial Extraction in Kirean Standard Method, Econ. Environ. Geol., v. 36, no. 3, p. 159-170, 2003


옥천대의 석류석대 변성암에서 산출되는 백운모, 녹니석 및 흑운모의 Intergrowth와 Interlayering, 한국광물학회지, 제 15권, 제 2호, 2002

Yeongboo Lee, Junghoo Lee, Changwhan Oh, Intergrowth and Interlayering of Muscovite, Chlorite, and biotite in a Garnet Zone Metamorphic Rock of the Ogcheon Belt, South Korea. J. Miner. Soc. Korea, v. 15. no. 2, p. 122-131, 2002

백동지역의 변성염기성암과 주변 편마암의 변성진화과정과 그 지구조적 의미, 암석학회지, 제 11권, 제 3-4호, p. 103-120, 2002

Changwhan Oh, Seongyu Choi and Sukhwan Song, Metamorphic Evolution of Metabasites and Country Gneiss in Baekdong Area and Its Tectonic Implication. Journal of Petrology Society of Korea, v. 11, no. 3-4, p. 103-120, 2002

전주시 하천의 BOD, COD, 총질소, 총인에 대한 수질현황 및 오염원, 지원환경지질, 제 35권 ,제 1호, p. 43-54, 2002

Changwhan Oh, Jisun Lee, Kangjoo Kim and Gabsu Hwang, The State and Sources of Contamination with BOD, COD, T-N and T-P in Stream Within Chonju City.  Econ. Environ. Geol., v. 35, no. 1, p. 43-54, 2002

승주-순천 지역에 분포하는 정편마암류의 지구화학적 특성, 한국지구과학회, 제 22권, 제 3호, p. 163-178, 2001

Kunsang Ahn, Changwhan Oh, Baeyoung Park, Geochemistry of Orthogneisses in the Seungju-Suncheon Area, Korea. Jour. Korean Earth Science Society, v. 22, n. 3, p. 163-178, June 2001

국내 토양오염 공정시험방법중 중금속 관련 오염평가의 문제점과 개선책, 한국지하수토양환경학회지, 제 6권, 제 1호, p. 63-83, 2001

Changwhan Oh, younhee Yu, Pyeongkoo Lee, Sungwon Park, Youngyeob Lee, The controversial points and a remedy on evaluation of heavy metal contamination in standard method for examination of soil in Korea. Journal of KoSSGE, v. 6, n. 1, p. 63-83, 2001

전주시 하천의 중금속과 음이온에 대한 수질현황 및 오염원, 자원환경지질, 제 34권, 제 1호, p. 89-104, 2001

Changwhan Oh, Jisun Lee, Kangjoo Kim, Seongsuk Chung, Gabsu Hwang and Youngup Lee, The State and Sources of Contamination with Heavy Metals and Anion in Stream Within Chonju City. Econ. Environ. Geol., v. 34, n. 1, p. 89-104, 2001

소백산 육괴 서남부인 승주-순천 일대의 화강암질 편마암과 반상변정질 편마암의 변성진화과정, 암석학회지, 제 9권, 제 3호, p. 121-141, 2000

Changwhan Oh, Eunyoung Jeon, Baeyoung Park, Kunsang Ahn and Junghoo Lee, Metamorphic evolution of granite and porphyroblastic gneisses in the Seungju-Suncheon area, the southwestern part of the Sobacksan Massif. Journal of Petrology Society of Korea, v. 9, no. 3, p. 121-141, 2000


문경 및 보은지역의 저압형 열변성작용시 변성염기성암내 각섬석 성분의 변화, 지질학회지, 제 36권, 제 4호, p. 383-410, 2000

Changwhan Oh and Youngyeob Lee, Compositional change of amphiboles in metabasites during low-P/T type contact metamorphism in the Mungyeong and Boeun areas. Jeoural of the Geological Society of Korea, v. 36, n. 4, p. 383-410

하수처리장 방류수에 영향을 받고 있는 하천에 대한 수문지화학적 연구, 지질학회지, 제 36권, 제 2호, p. 137-152, 2000

Kim, K., Lee, J.S., Oh, C.W, Hwang, G.S, Kim, Y. and Lee, K.S., A hydrogeochemical study on the streams influenced by effluents from a wastewater treatment plant. Journal of the Geological Society of Korea, v. 36, n. 2, p. 137-152





 Petrology Lab 204, Department of Earth Environmental Science 4th Natural Science College, Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu Jeonju-si, JeollaBuk-do 54896

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