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Publication - 해외문헌


Takeshi Imayama, Chansoo Park, Keewook Yi, Haemyeong Jung and Changwhan Oh,Paleoproterozoic high-pressure metamorphic history of the Salma eclogite on the Kola Peninula, Russia


​​Byung Choon Lee, Jonghyun Park, Changwhan Oh and Keewook Yi, Metamorphic and magmatic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic gneisses in the Sancheong area, Yeongnam Massif, South Korea, and their implications to the tectonics in the Northeast Asia. 


 Changwhan Oh, Takeshi Imayama, Jimin Jeon and Keewook Yi, Regional Middle Paleozoic metamorphism in the southwestern Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea: Its implications for tectonics in Northest Asia.



Sangbong Yi, Changwhan Oh, Seungyeol Lee, Seongyu Choi, Taesung Kim and Keewook Yi, Triassic mafic and intermediate magmatism associated with continental collision between the North and South China Cratons in the Korean Penisula.

Byungchoon Lee, Changwhan Oh, Taesung Kim and Keewook Yi, The metamorphic evolution from ultrahigh-temperature to amphibolite facies metamorphism in the Odaesan area after the collision between the North and South China Cratons in the Korean Penisula.


 Petrology Lab 204, Department of Earth Environmental Science 4th Natural Science College, Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu Jeonju-si, JeollaBuk-do 54896

Repuplic of Korea

 Tel +82-63-270-3397 / Fax +82-63-270-3399 / Email  

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